Keys to the City follows the story of an aging Brooklyn locksmith entrusted with training a young, brazen locksmith as his replacement. The short film captures their bumpy journey across New York as they face funny, bizarre, and often tender encounters inside the homes of colorful New Yorkers. Keys to the City plays like a lyrical ode to the New York we remember best and brings to life a larger story of change, loss, and hope through personal narratives of a fading small business. The film was nominated for Best Short Documentary by the Critics Choice Awards.
Role: Executive Producer, Director, Director of Photography
The Sit In: Harry Belafonte Hosts the Tonight Show revisits a groundbreaking week in television history when Harry Belafonte took over as the host of "The Tonight Show" in 1968. With political guests such as Martin Luther King Jr. and Bobby Kennedy, to entertainers like Aretha Franklin, Belafonte created broadcast space to engage in important conversations about race and politics while also showcasing iconic black performers unlike ever before seen on television. The film premiered at The Tribeca Film Festival and was Emmy and Peabody Award nominated.
Role: Director of Photography
Data—arguably the world’s most valuable asset—is being weaponized to wage cultural and political wars. The Great Hack uncovers the dark world of data exploitation through the unpredictable, personal journeys of players on different sides of the explosive Cambridge Analytica/Facebook data story. The Great Hacked premiered at the Sundance Film Festival and was BAFTA and Emmy nominated for Best Documentary.
Role: Director of Photography
This documentary series follows members who joined the self-improvement group NXIVM--its leader, convicted of sex trafficking and racketeering conspiracy, among other crimes--to reveal the emotional toll of unfolding events on these individuals. The series was Emmy nominated in 2020 for Best Documentary Program and nominated for best cinematography by Cinema Eye Honors.
Role: Director of Photography
This series follows members who joined the self-improvement group NXIVM – whose leader was convicted of sex trafficking, racketeering conspiracy, and other crimes. Set against the backdrop of the federal trial of The United States against Keith Raniere, The Vow, Part Two offers a rare view into Raniere's innermost circle. It follows the legal and emotional journeys of the group’s founders, supporters, and defectors as new evidence and stunning revelations come to light in a trial in the national spotlight.
Role: Director of Photography
Flight / Risk follows everyday people who find themselves in the midst of a global tragedy when two Boeing 737 Max planes crashed only five months apart in 2018 and 2019. This powerful documentary is told through the perspective of affected family members, their legal teams, whistleblowers, and Pulitzer-winning Seattle Times journalist, Dominic Gates. Flight / Risk was Emmy nominated for Best Outstanding Investigative Documentary.
Role: Additional Cinematography
In this deeply personal and provocative film, director Roger Ross Williams sets out on a journey to understand the complex forces of racism and greed currently at work in America’s prison system. He embarks on a search for solutions to help save the community he came from in Easton, Pennsylvania.
Role: Additional Cinematography
The Apollo provides an intimate and historical look at the iconic Apollo Theater in Harlem, New York. Directed by Roger Ross Williams, the film explores the theater's rich cultural legacy, showcasing its pivotal role in African American history and the evolution of American entertainment. The Apollo opened at the Tribeca Film Festival and was Oscar shortlisted in 2019.
Role: Additional Director of Photography